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RE: synchronous vac gap!?!
Original poster: "Lau, Gary by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <Gary.Lau-at-hp-dot-com>
I have also noted that for brief periods at certain reduced variac
settings, the static gap will settle into a synchronous 60 BPS mode of
operation. This would last a few seconds at most, then degenerate into the
"normal" chaotic mode.
Gary Lau
>Original poster: "Steven Ward by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>"
>Hi all,
>some bizaar news! I was running my 15/120 coil with the Gary Lau sucker gap
>(works awesome now!!) and some new CD caps. The coil was constantly getting
>64" to the ground! But more interesting, was the tone of the coil. It
>sounded just like 120BPS. And it sounded like this for several seconds
>(well the entire run)! Im comparing it to a video clip of a SRSG coil that
>specially said to note the perfect sounding opperation. MY coil sounded
>PERFECT!!! It would only be disturbed when the arcs hit the ground. Very
>cool effect, and the acrs moved around slowly and beautifully like this,
>quite awesome. I think that the gap was set at about .28". Making it
>larger improved performance, but it lost that perfect pitch. Im bringing
>this coil to the Wis. Teslathon, so hopefully i can reproduce these results!
> Anyone else ever have this?
>Steve Ward.