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RE: Halloween Coiling and the FCC
Original poster: "Mccauley, Daniel H by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <daniel.h.mccauley-at-lmco-dot-com>
Hi Dan,
It does not surprise me in the least that your coil was "detectable"
20 miles. You are running 900 W of input power to your coil, and under good
conditions, a 5 to 10 W transmitter should be detectable at 20 miles. He was
using a very sensitive receiver and probably a very directional antenna. The
instantaneous power when you make and break contact is probably several
your average power rating. There is a big difference between being
and causing unacceptable interference. I think you got suckered on this bet.
>>>>>>I think you are correct . . . i've been taken!!!!