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Re: Teslas enjoyment of ozone.
Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>
Hi Dan,
Ozone and a long list of other odd NOx componds are produced by Tesla
coils. A few coilers have had to go to the hospital from over exposure.
Breathing the fumes can be pretty bad over a time with high concentrations.
A vent fan should be used if the "ozone" gets bad.
Of course in Tesla's time 100 years ago, all sorts of fun x-rays, nuclear
things and ozone were not seen as they are today. I am sure Tesla new
about what level of ozone was resonable since he probably had breathed too
much himself on occasion and had a good idea of how much is too much.
It does not build up but can casue permanant lung damage which is just as
bad. It is not a big concern to most coilers since we like the smell but
we vent the place out too if it gets to be too much.
At 05:07 AM 10/3/2002 +0000, you wrote:
>Hi Group,
>I recently read "Man out of Time" by Margaret Cheney. I seem
>to recall something about Tesla wanting to open up some Ozone
>Parlors and charge admission. He seemed to like the smell,
>and side effects, yet everywhere i read about the dangers of
>inhallation. What are the dangers of ozone besides headaches,
>and does it build up in the blood and have long term effects???
>>From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>>Subject: Re: Objections to Steel Wire?
>>Date: Wed, 02 Oct 2002 11:09:41 -0600
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>>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 02 Oct 2002 19:18:44.0781 (UTC)
>>Original poster: "Jason by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>"
>> > Intellectual curiosity makes me wonder what the actual impact
>> > to performance would be [with steel wire], if tried...
>>I did a little test about a year ago to compare steel and copper wire. I
>>already built my primary, so I decided to see what the effects would be if
>>used it to wire up my tank circuit. I used 2mm dia. for both tests (small
>>thickness = more obvious results). The copper wire gave me almost a third
>>output again than the steel wire did at the same power! I was running
>>NST farm, Cp 22nF at 200bps with Lp 18uH - giving somewhere around 55A
>>RMS current. The (bare) steel wire got hot enough to melt the acrylic
>>standoffs that I was using after about 30 seconds, but the copper wire was
>>only warm after a 5 minute run at 1.1kVA.
>>For the primary, I was using good 'ole microbore, and after the experiment
>>switched back to much thicker gauge copper wire (about 5mm) to connect up
>>the primary tank circuit, and now get no detectable rise in temperature. I
>>certainly wouldnt reccomend using steel wire anywhere in the primary of a
>>TC. Im not sure what the magnetic effects on the system were (i.e. residual
>>magnetism in the steel wire) but I do know that the resistive losses were
>>very high.
>>Best Regards,
>>[UK Geek #1139 Rank G-2]
>>[HV / Tesla / Laser / Comp]
>>[ www.thegeekgroup-dot-org ]
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