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RE: Current in the Coil -

Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>


I have not quite followed this thread but I can tell you all you want to
know (and probably far more than you want to know :-)) about TC currents.

Primary currents may typically reach peak of 1000 amps at say 10 amps RMS.

Secondary currents may be around 5 amps peak and maybe 100mA RMS.

Of course, these number vary from coil to coil but that is the ball park.

All the currents can be directly measured these days.  See the paper at:


Also, be aware of the true definitions of "peak", "RMS", and "average"
current values.  There can be a lot of confusion there in just what type of
measurement we mean.



At 04:17 PM 5/16/2002 +0000, you wrote:
>>I'm still interested in reading about the coils with the tens of amps
>OK - Electrum.  www.lod-dot-org
>Secondary base current of 15.98A rms.
>Secondary output current of 37.4A rms.
>(the apparent disparity is, I assume, due to different break rates in the 
>two measurements.  Greg any comments?)
>>in the secondary if you happen to think of them.  I think I can easily 
>>design a coil with 1mA in the secondary.  The tens of amps coils would 
>> >have 10,000 times more current. I could learn a lot from reading about 
>> >these monster coils.
>Yes, you probably could.
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