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Original poster: "David Sharpe by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <sccr4us-at-erols-dot-com>
Terry has graciously allowed me to post video captures
of my IDR primary on hot-streamer. The URL:
Still waiting for several resonator components from a local
machine shop to be fabricated. For reasons of scale, OD
of fiberglass support "saucers" is 22", primaries are 6 3/4"ID
16" OD, and IDR+brass flux concentrator assembly is
47/8" ID by 18" OD. All support components non-magnetic
fiberglass, nylon 6 or PVC.
Comment sheet has been forwarded to Terry for JPGs. In
addition is datasheet for assembly as a spreadsheet. Plots
of inductance, and coupling coefficients versus vertical spacing
and active primary turns are provided...
Next Steps:
1. Cut, prep and wind resonator Gary Weaver style multiple
layer, #28 close wind, 3.5" OD by 15" long (3" sch 40 PVC)
targeted Fo 325-350Khz range. Characterize with each
additional layer at work; L, R, Q, frequency sweep, BW
Up to 5 layers. Predicted L in 22-30mH range.
2. Procure magnets and steel components to fabricate and install
magnetically assisted quenching to main HV electrodes of
6 point biphase ASRSG.
3. Replace fixed and moveable electrodes with carbon steel +
brass components.
4. Mount and wire primary to existing tank components, replace
tank power buses with copper strap (versus aluminum)
5. Perform ignition sequence, while video taping.
Dave Sharpe, TCBOR
Chesterfield, VA. USA