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RE: buzz miss buzz miss
Original poster: "by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <jim-at-jlproduction-dot-com>
Hi Terry,
No I haven't modified it in any way. Rotating the shaft is no big deal
as it is just a setscrew on a flat.
I had read something at one time about milling two flats 180 deg apart
on the armature but was hoping to get away without a major undertaking
like that.
No way to use as is huh?
-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla-at-pupman-dot-com]
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 6:43 PM
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: buzz miss buzz miss
Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>
Hi Jim,
Was this motor modified to by synchronous? If not, it is running at
1725 RPM instead of exactly 1800 RPM. Then it would pulse about once
second as it goes in and out of sync.
You could modify the motor with the plans at:
But you have to be able to rotate either the motor body or the wheel on
shaft to adjust it. Not sure how easy that is with your setup.
Puting a bunch more rotating electrodes on the motor may be another
possibility but I don't know much about this.
Be sure to use a safety gap and/or LTR size cap so that 120/60 does not
At 06:09 PM 6/7/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi all
>Here is my first attempt at a rotary gap. The motor is a 1/8 HP 1725rpm
>that runs on 120/60.
>The disk is actually a worn out chop saw wheel and is 9 in across. The
>electrodes are brass threaded rod that is 1/4 inch dia and secured with
>lock nuts. We indexed the four electrode holes on the crankshaft
>at work so they are all 90 deg exactly on the wheel.
>I was anxious to see it do something so I rigged up two stationary
>electrodes and had a 6000/30 NST at work so I hooked her up.
>While it sparks nice, it seems to miss(out of phase??) It sounds like
>the subject says....buzz miss buzz miss. Like its pulsating.
>It's like it just doesn�t feel like sparking at a constant rate but if
>slow the motor down (like unplug it) it hits on all four. Any ideas as
>to the dilemma here? Is it the whole synchronous vs asynchronous thing
>that I yet to grasp?
>Any pointers or good links out there? Will this work as is?
>The pics are here to see-
>Jim Layton
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