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Another SRSG problem!
Original poster: "Steven Ward by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <srward16-at-hotmail-dot-com>
Hi everyone,
I have recently built a very small(but functionable) SRSG from a small 1800
rpm sync motor from Herbach & Rademan. My electrodes are #8 machine screws.
The spacing is very tight, and everything lines up good. My disc is only
2.5" diameter to give you an idea of its size. My problem is that, i can
easily get the SRSG to fire, but the safety(across the gap, no gnd.) fires
just as much, and there is sometimes a small decrease in performance with
the SRSG. It seems that i get the same comsistency with the SRSG firing,
independent of the safety gap distance. For example, the SRSG will fire
just as well with a 3/8" safety or a 3/16" safety. Could it be due to its
minute size?? I thought that it would be ok since my terminals are only
~1/8" diameter. I have 4 bolts on the disk for a 120bps operation. Also,
this motor does not permit any type of cradle mount, so ive been making very
small adjustments between runnings. I plan on getting a variac soon so
maybe this will help, but i still do not understand whats wrong, as this gap
will fire the same with a rotation of a good 30degree change in disc
position. Any thoughts are welcome.
Steve Ward.