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Re: Regulated Magnet Wire?

Original poster: "Christopher Boden by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <chrisboden-at-hotmail-dot-com>

>Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>
>Hi Chris,

Hi Boss

>I searched around the web and FBI/ATF sites for info on this and came up
>with zero.

Me too, I also contacted Belden and SuperiorEssex (btw SEW&C has a REALLY 
cool website).

>Maybe ask back at the motor shop where the guy heard this from.
>  Maybe a local politician or something shooting off their mouth over some
>local incident or something.  There does not seem to be any fact behind it.
>  I would guess that there was some off-the-cuff comment or editorial in
>some trade magazine somewhere...  I could call the ATF but I hate to give
>them a reason to laugh at "my" stupidity :-))

yeah I'm digging, and I'm going to the show tomorrow (begging for an 
Oscope), I'll trace the guys source. I believe he may have been talking out 
his as-(...er....area...yeah, that's what you changed it to...area) in a 
reason to not cough up a couple hundred$$ in magnet wire for the 
neighborhood weirdos in the funny car. He's kind of a crotchety old guy, so 
I have my doubts. Either way, we may have caught a UL in the VERY early 
stages before it actually became one. I'll have this traced to a reliable, 
verifyable source tomorrow.

There is NO POSSIBLE WAY to regulate magnet wire. It's too entrenched in 
everyday life, it's too important. It's also retarded to try (but that 
doesn't stop the regulation of several other fun things).

In a town where I can buy Pyrodex by the case with nothing more than cash, 
and any reasonably intelligent person could have a field day with a VERY 
basic knowledge of power distribution, chemistry, and computers can cause 
serious problems for a city the size of Kzoo I can't see the regulation of 
Magnet wire.

>Of course, this "regulation" would fail miserably not only in being
>impossible, but making the politicians look stupid (we all know how
>difficult that is :-))...  Reminds me when they wanted to ban electronic
>solder or pass a law that pi = 3.000... :-)))

It was 2.9 I think...I have a poster with that somewhere.

>Bombs can be made out of everything, so restricting everything is a
>solution :-))  However, getting a regulation with any teeth in it in this
>case will only be a study in satire.  Were would we report violations to?
>I know an old couple down the street that have magnet wire in their TV
>set!! :-))  I can also name about 500 children's toys that contain it!!!

Or Hard drives, cd players (lens focus), speakers, motors, microwaves, pigs, 
contactors, amplifiers, radios, telepones....just about ANYHTING with a wire 
going into it has SOMETHING made with magnet wire (Usually in the forms of 

It's one heck of an investment commodity.

>I have shipped magnet wire in the mail without the bomb squad blowing it up
>(unlike a local guy's drum set :-))  Apparently, a drum in a cardboard box
>sounds like bomb :-)))).

I have personally (NON GROUP RELATED, lol) had the Bomb Squad to my house. 
My roomate called them on me when he (after a fight) remembered that I had 
some small packets labelled EXPLOSIVE. He freaked out.

They send out the big blue truck, a pair of really cool guys wrapped in 
Kevlar and lexan, and evacuated my neighbors (the old lady next door never 
talked to me again, lol), all to remove a half dozen old railway torpedos. 
They are small 3x5x.5" orange packets that are placed on the rails as a 
signalling device (I have spent many summers working for the railroad in my 
teen years). Nothing more than a serious firecracker.

I moved shortly thereafter :)

>Maybe someone else has heard more on this magnet wire regulation thing and
>who is driving it...?

I've looked a LOT and found NOTHING, ANYWHERE on it. Nobody knows about it 
at any of the major manufacturers that I've talked to.

>I'll will wait before going to the local church's "turn in your old guns
>day" with a roll of magnet wire.  :-))  The guy with the working 50cal
>anti-aircraft gun and 10,000 rounds of ammo for it would take all the
>attention again anyway :-))  That really put that "no questions asked"
>thing to the test :-))

You live in one of those 
northern-central-montana-dakota-kadzinski-mountain-grizzly adams-states 
don't you Terry? lol

>They can have my magnet wire when they pry my cold dead finger from the
>roll!! :-)))

I can see that on a T-shirt......who wants one, lol

The AlphaGeek
www.thegeekgroup-dot-org (back up in a week)

>	Terry
>At 12:42 AM 5/23/2001 +0000, you wrote:
> >It doesn't seem realistic to me either, that's why it tripped me up so 
> >Think of all the things that use magnet wire, how can it possibly be
> >regulated? Radio$hack is still carrying it, so I don't know what to 
> >I'm hoping someone on the list will know more.
> >
> >I contacted SuperiorEssex Wire and Cable today about the donation of the
> >wire for the next 2 coils, and possibly a long-term corporate sponsorship
> >for the Group, they made no mention of it, and I asked for a LOT of cable 
> >spools of 16 at 5fFt and 2 spools of 12 at 10kFt each).
> >
> >I also got 20' of 12" pipe donated today :) We're gonna wind both coils
> >BEFORE we cut the pipe into sections, that way each secondary is an EXACT
> >duplicate.
> >
> >duck
> >geek-1
> >
> >
> >>Original poster: "Gregory Hunter by way of Terry Fritz
> >><twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <ghunter31014-at-yahoo-dot-com>
> >>
> >>See the pasted in text below. Is this plausible?  It
> >>just doesn't seem realistic.  Almost anything can
> >>conceivably be pressed into service for an improvised
> >>bomb.  What next?  Are we going to regulate kitchen
> >>matches?  Al foil??  Steel wool???  The BATF is losing
> >>its grip on reality.
> >>
> >>Greg
> >>
> >>http://hot-streamer-dot-com/greg
> >>
> >>New thing on Magnet wire. It's about to become a
> >>SERIOUS pain to get.
> >>I'll
> >>have all the details tomorrow, but the owner of the
> >>shop (a very cool
> >>guy)
> >>said it's about to be regulated to some degree becasue
> >>some idiot kid
> >>made a
> >>bomb run with it. This is happeneing in a few places
> >>(I heard mention
> >>about
> >>this a week ago at another shop but was too busy
> >>drooling to really pay
> >>attention).
> >>
> >>Appearantly it's being used becasue it's thin and easy
> >>to hide or
> >>something...makes little sence to me. Then again, if I
> >>wanna blow
> >>something
> >>up I can think of MUCH better ways than magnet wire.
> >>
> >>
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> >>
> >
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