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Re: Polarity vs Phase/3 phase Analogy

Original poster: "harvey norris by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>" <harvich-at-yahoo-dot-com>

I am getting a kick out of these polarity posts and
the 3 phase AC thread which I may post to later, after
I am more sure by tests of my remarkable conclusions.
This has to do with the fact that in a source emf WYE
to loads as DELTA series resonances, all three phases
must be resonant for any of them to be resonant, and
if two phases are not completely resonant, it will
prevent the third one from doing so. Talk about tricky
tuning! But to convey the idea of polarity here the 3
phase example makes it very easy. A series resonance
is a quantity of L and C values satisfying resonant
Thompson formula that can be wired in series and
connected on each end to its polarity inputs. We have
two connections and two ways to hook it up. Therefore
we also specify that all three resonances are ordered
or hooked up the same way as *LC*LC*LC for all 3 of
them to be 120 degrees out of phase. It is simple to
the understand then if one of these LC combinations
were reversed, it would then be (120-180)=60 degrees
phase separation instead of 120. Now the above
argument is easily visualized as an inverse resonance
example. The question then becomes how do we visualize
the same thing for 3 parallel resonances? Or for that
manner how do we even do it for a single tank circuit!
That is puzzling because there is no difference in
simply plugging in the circuit backwards, it is
schematically the same thing.

That is where the conception of loops sharing a common
path make this explainable.

In the unused 90 degree phase generation system two 1
amp phase consumptions instead of using two return
wires of 1 amp each can be combined into one wire
carrrying the phase summation of the square root of 2
amps=1.41 Amps. This represents the vector addition of
two 90 degree phase currents,or the hypotenuse of a
unit rt triangle
That return current represents a path shared by two
current loops, and the resultant reduction in return
currents is made by that partial cancellation of 
phase currents.
In three phase,the return wire path for a 4 wire wye
delivery can exist in complete cancellation, provided
equal amperage consumptions exist on the three phases.
The entirety of the return currents is made as a
preferred pathway on the adjacent phases.

The option of 180 phased inputs is a condition for
making the seemingly impossible 180 phased tank
circuit. This takes the form of a center tapped
transformer secondary. Each of the bifilar secondary
winding directions are reversed on the primary core,
so that the emfs are of opposite or 180 phased
polarities, where the provision is made that these two
current loops also have a grounded shared current
path. Again if the amperages on each side are equal,
no current will exists on the center tap return path,
because of 180 phased currents summing to zero. The
return current is made on the opposite phase instead
of the center pathway of phase cancellation. This of
course is the grounded path.
Now let us apply resonance to the below posting;
--- Tesla list <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> wrote:
> Original poster: "Eric Davidson by way of Terry
> Fritz <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>" <edavidson-at-icva.gov>
> Hi All,
>     To make the idea of polarity a bit simpler, lets
> disconnect the grounded
> center tap on the secondary of the distribution
> transformer.  Now the house
> only has 240 volt,  2 wire service, no grounded
> neutral conductor.  I think
> this is where the confusion is occurs.  The fact
> that we can have two 120 volt
> circuits on one 240 volt secondary.  
Applied to resonance we can also resonate two coils
180 out of phase from each opposite 120 volt inputs on
each side of a center tapped secondary and obtain a
voltage rise by the q of the coil that can be measured
from the middle or midpoint of the LC circuit to the
outside where the ends of the circuit are connected.
Since each of these voltage rises are on opposite
directions of polarity, there will exist 2 q of a
voltage rise between the midpoints of the oppositely
phased resonances. This is the same result that
inputing the coils at twice the voltage would give.

We still only
> have one phase.  
Yes but it depends how we hook up the resonant LC
quantities that always determines two options. By
containing two paralleled opposite LC quantites from
the same input we can create two opposite voltage
rises, however simply placing the coils themselves in
series and resonating them instead of 180 phased
parallel example will deliver the same voltage rise.
The 180 phased example is the analogy of resonance
from the concept of a simple transformer to that of a
center tapped transformer secondary with shared
current loops in cancellation.

There is an important distinction however, in that all
the previous examples of pathways with shared current
loops showed that shared pathway producing a partial
or full cancellation of the currents that would exist
on that pathway. There is also the possibility of
doing the reverse application. This is actually shown
in balanced,(no return 4th wire current)Delta 3 phase
delivery. In that situation Each of the 3 supply lines
are supplying two phases, where at a particular point
in time, it is not only supplying the one unit amp for
one phase, but also the return .7 amp for its adjacent
phase. Thus for three phases of one amp currents, the
"shared loop" pathways of the supply lines at 1.7 amps
are greater than the individually phased currents.

Now to return to the paradox of constructing a 180
phased tank circuit, this could be done by using a
center tapped transformer, with the traditional shared
current loop in cancellation. But here is why I
brought up the three phase issue for simplicity. We
can easily imagine three ordered delta series
resonances in delta, and because of the three phase
inputs we know each of the circuits are 120 degrees
out of phase. If we now place a wye short current path
between all midpoint q rises as shown at
http://www.escribe-dot-com/science/freenrg/m9505.html we
will have converted the three series resonances into
three tank circuits, with the provision that each of
the tanks with have portions of shared current paths
of adjacently phased tank circuits. It is on these
shared current paths that we see that the 3 phase tank
circuits internal amperages are 1.7 the amount of
amperage on the shared pathways, than on the outside
individual phase pathways. The new configuration has
actually turned the tanks  to a shared path of
connections in WYE. A wye circuit is specified as
using a 4th return wire for the case when unbalanced
currents among phases occurs. If this is not available
then the amount any phase can conduct is also tied to
the amount of conduction made on those adjacent phases
as a return wire pathway. In this way it was found
that the nonresonance of two phases can limit the
possible amount of resonance on another phase.The same
situation applies in reverse for tuning the outside
ordered DSR's, because of the internal wye stator
field connections. So making a  complete AC
modification of a car alternator should ALSO always
consist of making a fourth return wire from the stator
connection. I have not tried this yet, but undoubtably
if it were there for the return currents it would
uncomplicate the 3 phase tuning situation.

So in summo it should also be seen that when the same
situation is made on 180 phased series resonances:
where a short wire is made between their midpoint
resonant rises of voltage, this circumvents and
changes the circuit into a figure 8 tank circuit,
where that pathway being shared by those L and C
reactive circuits is a shared pathway used from
opposite directions of travel, leading to unity
instead of cancellation as a shared current loop
pathway. Since this is unity of each reactive current,
twice that current then exists along that shared loop
Three phase resonant midpoint voltage rises  with
appropriate LC quantities used at 188 hz are shown at
and schematics on the following linked page.

Also the concept of using these resonant voltage rises
as a resonant transformer;

Sincerely HDN

Binary Resonant System  http://members3.boardhost-dot-com/teslafy/

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