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Re: Modular Secondary
Original poster: "Dr. Duncan Cadd by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>" <dunckx-at-freeuk-dot-com>
Hi Terry, All!
>Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>
>Hi Duncan,
>The paper is also fairly easy to read.
Having spent many an hour in the past wondering why I was reading
various academic papers, I agree with and do appreciate that! But I
concur with what Jim Lux said, some of the stuff which appears on your
site, Paul's site and others is _equally_ worthy of publication in
professional journals. The problem no doubt is finding the cash to do
it. Unless you can interest a university in giving you a research
degree for it, then they'll pay the publication costs :-)
>The paper is not exactly an infallible source of TC info, but they
did a pretty
>good job with what they had. We must remember that many of the
"experts" were
>working with coils since before these people were born... What is
really great
>is that they appeared to have learned a great deal and had a ton of
fun with
>their project!!
- and exposed some part of academia to the serious study of TCs in
the process. Things can only improve, for which I should give the
authors due credit.
OK, I'm just a miserable, windging, pernickety, pedantic, middle-aged
academic git who needs to lighten up a little ;-)
Uh-oh, better mind my ps and qs or the list moderator will be after