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Re: topload problems
Original poster: "by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <FutureT-at-aol-dot-com>
In a message dated 7/14/01 9:46:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time, tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Original poster: "Will Daniels by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <
> tesla_is_god-at-37-dot-com>
> Hi all,
> I just finished my six inch coil the other day but I cant seem to get
> more than 1 foot arcs. My secondary's winding length is 2 feet and my
> power supply is two 12Kv/30ma NSTs with a six sectioned static gap and 24
> beer bottle caps. Soon I'm hoping to get a better capacitor so I can
> enlarge my NST bank.
That's a good size for the secondary for those NST's. Such a coil
should be able to give about 59" sparks if everything is optimally
designed, and the system powered by a 140volt variac.
The bottle caps may cut the available spark length
drastically, especially if the total capacitance is a low value. Did
you try blowing some air on the gap with a fan or blower? Some
types of gaps tend to over-heat, and barely work. I'm assuming
you have a few extra turns on the primary so you can tap outwards
to keep the coil in tune as you add larger toroids? The largest
suitable toroid may be about 6" x 24" for that coil. A 4" x 16"
will work OK too.
If the cap value is small, this may reduce the spark length to
1/2 of 59" or about 30". Since the bottle caps are lossy, this may
reduce the spark further to maybe 24". For a 24" spark, a 3" by
12" toroid is big enough.
I once observed a coil with a four-section static gap which gave
only 4" sparks from the coil. When a small muffin fan was arranged
to blow upon the gaps, the sparks increased to 12".
When a coil's output is weak, I first suspect a problem with
the gaps or with tuning. I'm assuming your sparks emit from the
toroid. You don't have to draw them off with a grounded metal rod
do you? If your gap spacing is very very narrow, this will cut the
output spark length also.
John Freau
> It seems that the larger my topload gets the shorter
> my arcs get which goes against everything I've read. I tried a dryer duct
> toroid about 10" wide but I think the break out point must be too high
> cause I get nothing. I've tried everything from bolts to mixing bowls and
> it seems that a bare wire some how works best. Any ideas on how I can
> improve my output would be helpful.
> -Will Daniels