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Re: Depotting NST - Help!

Original poster: "Bill Vanyo by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>" <vanyo-at-echoes-dot-net>

Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: "Hans Scholze by way of Terry Fritz
<twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>" <hanscs-at-eagle.ptialaska-dot-net>
> Bill,
> I recently depotted three dead OBITs.  I just chipped the
> tar off very cautiously with a sharpened screwdriver.  I
> mashed it into the secondary of the first one, but after I
> had an idea how they were put together it went OK.  Then I
> soaked them in gasoline (outside, of course).  Of the two
> remaining, one partially worked (about half the output of a
> good one) and the other was still dead.

Mine was good to begin with - hope I didn't kill it, but nothing
ventured, nothing gained.  The parts are still soaking now, so I don't
know yet.

> I decided to try
> completly disassembling the half-good one, but it never
> worked at all after that.  I am wondering if most people
> just leave the cores together after cleaning or if anyone
> has had sucess taking them all the way apart.

This site:


has info on complete disassembly and reassembly.  It doesn't mention
anything about the secondaries having paper layers though.  I'm a little
worried about them now being thoroughly soaked in mineral spirits.  I
can't imagine them ever drying out.

> To answer you
> question about the secondary, it has alternating layers of
> wire and paper, with a few extra layers of paper on the
> outside (discoverey made when I drove the screwdriver into
> one :-0

Another question: When I put the secondaries back on, do they go in
opposite or like rotations?  There was too much tar to tell how they
were when I took them apart.

	- Bill Vanyo

> Hans
> PS  Ironically, the one with the mashed secondary is the
> only one that worked.  The gouge was only a few layers deep,
> so I crammed a piece of copper wire into it and applied a
> liberal ammoung of hot glue - works great!!
> Tesla list wrote:
> >
> > Original poster: "Bill Vanyo by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>"
> <vanyo-at-echoes-dot-net>
> >
> > I just had to do it, despite some recommendations not to.  (No "I told
> > you so's" please)
> >
> > I used heat, and mineral spirits, and it was a heck of a mess, but I got
> > it (15kv 60ma Franceformer) all the way down to the basic parts - two E
> > shaped blocks, some shunts, the primary and two secondaries, with just
> > some little bits of tar stuck here and there.
> >
> > I'm kind of confused about the secondaries.  I can't tell what they're
> > made of - they look, from the side, like paper.  What do I do with these
> > things?  Just clean them as is?  If it is paper, they're pretty well
> > soaked in mineral spirits and dissolved tar.
> >
> > This is all sort of a grand experiment for me - any help would be most
> > appreciated.
> >
> >         - Bill Vanyo