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LTR cap for NST farm...Shtuff!

 Hi All,

   I just ran a number through Terry's MMCCalc, and the results were a bit,
um, mot "discouraging" but more of "geez, that's a lot of capacitiors!"
  I'm running a 12kv150ma NST farm, and MMCCalc gives me ~82-90nF for the
LTR cap.  That's one massive cap!!!  Right now I'm running 35nf (7 strings
of 11) on it.  A sync rotary is in the works, and I wanted to try a good
setup to aim for high efficiency.

  Will the 150ma nst farm be able to charge that up?  I still have ~170+ of
the panasonic caps left (i foresaw the need for lots of caps, and bought
them up at $1.45 or so each), so I have the caps, PCB, and resistors for it.

  Now, here's the setup.
     8" PVC secondary, ~1280 turns of 26 ga wire (25" long or so)
     A to-be-built primary of 100' copper tubing, ~21 turns total (I need
inductance for this puppy!!)
     5 12kv30ma NST's for 12/150
     A 120bps sync gap (to be made)
     Toroid of 6x20?  Fairly large, but not big enough for this coil.  I'll
run it anyway, and maybe grab some 8" ducting)
     35nf cap, and another 9 strings to be made (99 caps!!!)  Total of 80nf
(16 strings of 11).
            The caps I solder to PCB and then mount between copper clad
PCB's for a solid parallel connection.Works like a dream, and very space
      I'll have an amp-clamp in place, and I'll meter the input voltage to
the trannies. I'm also thinking of hooking up my voltage divider and seeing
what the average tank cap voltage is, via analog meter averageing :\

   I'm planning on firing this thing over the weekend (and doing a zillion
other things!  Argh!!!  I need the day to be 36 hours long!!!), and my goal
is to break my 37" barrier.  An 8" coil, sync gap with LTR cap and high
inductance secondary should work.  I may have to cobble together a 8x30
toroid or something like that.  This is all pending no rain!!!  There's a
lot of work to do, and not just all on a coil!  I need a control panel too.
A nice 40 amp variac would be nice, but I kinda like the "throw 'er wide
open and see what happens!" approach.  Should have a good camera this
weekend to use too.  I'll work my butt off and hopefully have a nice post
come Monday.  Nice pics, hopefully, too.

 Oh, hopefully also available will be a full-wave rectifier to try on the