
New MMCCalc2 released

Hi All,

I have improved my MMCCalc program.  

A number of people wanted to be able to match the MMC to their
transformers.  While this is sort of an art, I was able to put in the
maximum LTR style cap calculation in so people can either select strings or
reduce the number of strings from there.  simply type -1 instead of the
desired value you want to have the program find the LTR cap size.  The
program is at: 


A sample output is:
MMC Calculator  Ver. 2.1  2/19/2000  Terry Fritz
Transformer voltage =  15000 
Transformer current =  .06 
Firing voltage =  21213.15 
Fo =  82000 
Break rate =  120 
Cap value =  5.6E-08 
Strings  Caps/Str  Capacitance  Voltage   Temp C    Cost
  1        2         28.00         3200   192.83    2.90  :-((  :-(( 
  2        4         28.00         6400    48.21   11.60  :-((  :-(( 
  3        6         28.00         9600    21.43   26.10  :-((  :-(( 
  4        8         28.00        12800    12.05   46.40  :-((  :-|  
  5       10         28.00        16000     7.71   72.50  :-((  :-)  
  6       12         28.00        19200     5.36  104.40  :-|   :-)  
  7       14         28.00        22400     3.94  142.10  :-))  :-)) 
  8       16         28.00        25600     3.01  185.60  :-))  :-)) 
  8       17         26.35        27200     2.67  197.20  :-))  :-)) 
  9       18         28.00        28800     2.38  234.90  :-))  :-)) 
  9       19         26.53        30400     2.14  247.95  :-))  :-)) 
 10       20         28.00        32000     1.93  290.00  :-))  :-)) 

The program underlines a "safe" MMC cap array and uses those smiley faces
on the right to judge voltage and temperature.  You can often go a bit
higher in the chart so save money with added risk (EMMC).  I actually use
the 5 x 10 configuration above which is high stress voltage wise but my
EMMC was meant to test that (it works fine).

The program is set up for Panasonic caps but the #300 lines can be easily
changed for others cap types.  It is just and old MS-DOS BASIC program so
it is simple to change.

Glad everyone likes this program so much!  Even I am amazed how much it can
do for being so simple...

