
Re: Nikola Tesla (a drink)

    Since a big topic of discussion on the list recently has been safety, I 
just wanted to make it clear that as a general rule you should NEVER be under 
the drinking and operating a coil at the same time.  Even if you are very 
experienced with coiling, alcohol impairs judgement and increases the 
likelyhood that you will do something stupid.  I sincerely hope that the 
poster was not drinking at the same time he was operating the coil.  Anyway, 
I'll get down off the soapbox now, but I just felt if should be at least 

    Justin D.

<<< Of course!!, Justin speaks for all of use...   While we never mean to
encourage drinking or using flamable things around Tesla coils, the
"technical" aspects of this thread are rather interesting... - Terry >>>