NST can't power Jacobs ladder!?
Am I missing something here, or is it really that NSTs can't power a
Jacobs ladder? Both of my 8kv 50ma NSTs rated 400VA did light an array of
neon tubes really bright as I tested them. Couldn't measure any
internal shorts and no "burn throughs" (at least not below 2000 MOhm)
in either NST - they seem perfectly ok !?
But the Jacobs ladder simply doesn't want to work. Just a dim, blueish
arc, that stays where it started (~4mm). Electrodes are perfectly clean.
NST centertap is grounded. The ladder did work nicely with a tiny TV
I thought that at 50ma you should at least get some sort of small flame?
Any ideas?
Jan Florian Wagner
jwagner-at-cc.hut.fi, petwag-at-kolumbus.fi