
tuning toriods

Hey all,

I was messing around with the WinTesla program and noticed that there is
a corrolation between toriod size and 1/4 wave Hz lengths on the
secondary via the capacitance combos of the two items.

My question is ......

by matching the toroid size to the matched 1/4 wave in the program will
there be a increased performance seen ?  or have yall decided that the
1/4 wave system is not an important factor in tuning a coil?

ive noticed that by changing the top load it changes the "length " of
the 1/4 wave electrically ( in the program)    if one was to match the
electrical values of the 1/4 wave to the physical 1/4 wave of the
secondary ( as in SWR terms) would we see a full power output at the top
load ?

one more quicky question 

what causes the "bucking" in an inductance type current limiting device
for a pole pig ?   i cant find any info in any of my text books
concerning this 

this bucking is a definate amperage swing on the supply side and an
obvious sound effect along with it    the sound is a thumping noise  ( i
aviod using that particular inductor when ever possible dont want to fry

one more item since im here 

the capacitors used in distribution systems are useful BUT ... they are
filled with an oil by the name of Dielectrol 4    nasty stuff   alot of
toululene derivitaves  stinks to hi heaven burns the skin and is
impossible to wash out of your clothes   there are 18 flat rolled pack
inside these things  normally set up as 2 packs( parallel) set up as 9
sets in series ...   individually they are 4uF each at 2000 V  as a
whole unit  18KV at 1uF

I opened the case and reset the pack to 36KV at .222uF (all series) (
alot of work) ruined 2 pairs of jeans and 2 shirts. 

the bleed resistors are really nice in this unit   12 of them  and they
are ceramic, carbon spiral types about 2.25 " long and very tight on
tolerances  about .5% 

Scot D