Re: [FAQ] and UK winter Teslathon, and Brazil
Hi all
I will volunteer to write something towards chapters 1, 4, 5 (MMC's), a little
on 10 (ie off-axis tuning inductors) and some on 8 (ideas for Euro and UK
coilers who can't find anything bigger than 4" PVC).
I am going to Brazil with my wonderful (Brazilian!) ladyfriend on 5 Nov, so in
all likelihood I will not be able to attend the UK Teslathon, however I might
just be able to come w/o my coil. However I will be buying a laptop, modem and
digital camera b4 I go, so I should get a chance to help with the FAQ (while
drinking 'pinga' on the beach!). I am of course interested in any coilers in
either the Sao Paulo/Rio/Bahia areas, if there are any! I will be going
back via
Mexico, LA/SF, then by car across the States to NY to return to the UK. I am
prepared to make diversions, so any coilers on the way are welcome to
contact me
if they'd be happy to meet a UK enthusiast. I'd love to see some of those
*really* big US coils!! Feel free to get in touch by direct email if you are
going to be less than 500 miles either side of the main routes coast-coast.
Of course, I will check out for any bargains in Brazil, perhaps I might end up
shoving a few hundred pounds of magnet wire on the plane if it's really cheap!
I can do some editorial work and proofreading (my grammar and syntax is OK,
product of the English public school system!) as well....
Alex Crow
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: NickandSim-at-aol-dot-com
> Hi Travis
> I think that doing that before we've agreed whose writing what
> etc. is likely to lead to all of us getting snowed under with 15K long
> emails. We should delagate all the sections then stick them together and
> post them to a site so that people can review the result and suggest
> improvements.
> This is the structure of the file as suggested by Chip.
> >>>>>> snip
> Preface: What this document will tell you
> Chapter 1: What is a Tesla Coil?
> Topics: (Basic info, what it is, what it does, schematic, parts list)
> Simple discussion of the following, assume the reader doesn't know anything
> about
> electricity. Not much detail, just enough to understand the rest of the doc:
> Inductance
> Transformers
> Resonance
> Chapter 2: RF Grounds
> Chapter 3: Power supply
> Ignition Coil
> Pole Pig
> PT
> Line Filters
> Chapter 4: Transformer Protection Circuit
> Mostly for NST protection..... Saftey gaps, filter circuits, etc.
> Chapter 5: Primary Tank Cap
> Talk about dielectric types, different kinds of caps, MMC, discuss the
> refference
> cap for the target design.
> Chapter 6: Primary Spark Gap
> Again, types, construction styles, static, static series, rotory
> (sync/non-sync),
> and the refference design
> Chapter 7: Primary Coil
> Hellical, Conical, Flat Spiral
> Chapter 8: Secondary Coil
> H/D Ratios, wire size, # of turns, construction tips, materials, preperation
> (drying, sealing, etc.)
> Chapter 9: Discharge Terminal
> Types, construction, calcs for cap value...
> Chapter 10: Tuning
> What is tune? how to tune, using a temporary primary to learn the tune point,
> how
> cap value, primary and secondary turns, and topload value effect tune..
> Chapter 11+: Special topics
> higher power, magnifier theroy, ballasting, RF interference, dealing with
> annoied
> neighbors, solid state, tube, etc.
> Appendix:
> math, formulas, computer programs to help design coils, supplier lists, web
> sites, the tesla list, anything else that would make good refference info.
> >>>>>>>snip
> I have voluteered to do the power supply and secondary sections.
> So far this gives us:
> Preface - ?
> 1-?
> 2-?
> 3-Nick Field
> 4-?
> 5-?
> 6-?
> 7-?
> 8-Nick Field
> 9-?
> 10-?
> 11-?
> I'd be happy to do th final assembly of all the chapters so if once we've
> finished the individual bits we all mail them to me (nickandsim-at-aol-dot-com) I'll
> put them together and post them to my site. As this FAQ is bound to generate
> quite some traffic we might also want to set up mirrors.
> Fill In the blanks Guys
> Nick Field
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Original Poster: Travis Tabbal <bigboss-at-xmission-dot-com>
> Go for it. Since we're doing this on the list just post what you write
> up and we can all discuss it.
> Travis
> Tesla List wrote:
> > Original Poster: Bryan St <warp27-at-juno-dot-com>
> >
> > Hey guys
> > I can help with the special topics, specifically ballasting, RF
> > interference and alternative HV power supplys.
> > Bryan
> > ___________________________________________________________________
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