
Bipolar Magnifier


Just wondering if anyone has built a bipolar magnifier?  Coil in ASCII
would be like this:

               TOROID ~~~~~~~~~~~~ big arc! ~~~~~~~~~~ TOROID
                 ==                                      ==
         extra   ==                                      ==   extra
         coil    ==                                      ==   coil
                 ==                                      ==
                 ==              r. f. ground            ==
                  |                   |                  |
                  |________           |          ________|
                           0000000000000000000000 secondary
                                  000000000  primary
                                  |       |
                                  |       |
                                  |       |
                                  V       V
                           to usual RSG, cap & xfrmr

Secondary center tap goes to good r. f. ground.

If this has been done, how did it work?  Are there pictures on a website?
