
Cameras and TCs

On Wed, 05 May 1999 11:48:59 -0600 In the Tesla List
Justin Hennigan <justinh-at-interlaced-dot-net> wrote;

>Question for the list members:
>What would be a good fully manual camera for taking tesla coil 
>pictures?  I took some pictures a couple of years ago, and fried
>an Olympus IS-3DLX from 30 feet.  I now have a Nikon N70 and I'd
>like to keep it.

Hi Justin, I have used everything from old box cameras to my Licaflex SLR
more recently my Canon highband 8 camcorder and NEVER had any problems
even at 15 feet from a 10 killowatt coil! The trick is I ALWAYS put the
camera in a well grounded Faraday cage made of brass screening (iron or
aluminum works fine too). The screening when only a fraction of an inch
front of the camera lens wont show up in the image at all.


                                       Alfred A. Skrocki Sr.

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