Placement of Secondary above Primary
How far above the primary should I place my secondary? Also, my performance
has been poor (about 3")... any tips for improvement?
Specs on my coil:
I'm using 1/4" copper tubing as my primary, with an 8" diameter inside and
14" diameter outside. It's flat (Archimedes spiral?). My primary is 24
guage, 15.5 inches long, with a 4" diameter. My power supply is a 15kva
30ma nst, and I've got 7 spark gaps (1/4 inch each) first, then 2 spark
gaps of the same width running in parrallel to the previous 7. My caps are
8 salt-water caps, but I'm probably going to redo those or replace with
something better.
Christopher Michaelis
Programmer, Pretium Corporation
t:(435) 797-4100
f:(815) 364-1274