Re: And 6 feet in 2nd.
Congratulations on your success - sounds like a beautiful coil. I love it
when you put more power in - the arcs get much thicker and brighter -
I noticed this when I went from 1kW to 2 straight away. Though I can't seem
to get beyond the occasional 66" spark, all else seems well.... Could you
make me another mini-pig?? Only joking....
As for getting random sparks, it looks like you will have to try a smaller
toroid and retune. This should have the desired effect - length of each
streamer may drop but you will get a more 'agressive' display.
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: Finn Hammer <f-hammer-at-post5.tele.dk>
> the same spot. It would have been more spectacular if the breakout
> happenet erratically at different places, so that the whole volume of
> air around the toroid got energized. Not the whole time, but with
> streamers jumping to and fro. Is that possible?
> Coiler greetings from Denmark! Finn Hammer