
Re: tapered secondary form?

You definitely do not want any metal inside your coil. I don't recall
the size of your buckets, but what worked for me was hot melt glue. I
put together a 6.5 inch secondary using plastic paint buckets (1
gallon). They are utra thin polyurethane, so I figured it be good for
low RF loss. I ground off the handle catches with a dremel, then used
the hot glue in between each of the five buckets, as glue oozed out, I
scraped it with wide blade screwdriver (while it was still hot). This
held very well, and I haven't had any problems with coil!
Hope this helps! 

P.S. (for you coilers with tight budgets, this is a cheap, quick form
for secondary - you can get them free from a painter or for a couple
bucks new.)

Bob Volk

> Thanks, Bert, for the response. I was starting to think the same way. 
> Putting the bases together may also make it easier to connect the two 
> together. This brings up my next question, which is: any recomendations 
> on how to affix the two halves together? I assume you dont want any 
> metal of any sort in the center of the socndary? I also assume that 
> judging the size of the coil it will most likely be heavy and epoxy 
> alone may not be sufficient. Does any have any tricks they use?