Re: Another MMC cap candidate (UK)
>They may be able to deliver some quantity to RS Trade counter Gateshead
>and the rest to Corby ??
Maybe but probably each outlet has its own accounting proceedure. I'm
to pick them up at the trade counter here and parcel out.
>The current transformer voltage is 6kv rms, but the rotary firing and
>resonant charging bring the peak cap voltage to about 12kv. The DC rating
>of the cap is 12kv so its right on the edge. The break rate is 200BPS
>sync, so it is high compared to 100BPS sync but low compared to static
>gaps. It will be interesting to see if there is any heat build up after
>long runs.
You may be further from the edge than you think - I've been running at 8kV
with 5 and even just 4 in series, in // with my existing cap. No warming
>I think the res frequency is more important in CW applications like tube
>coils. It might be less important in pulsed duty ?
We get away with it becauser it is pulsed but 200kHz must make them
work twice as hard as 100kHz.
>Current wall power is about 600VA, and spark length is around 28".
Thats very good.
I am building another 3 of these MMC units to run up to 24kv. Power will
be around 2kW.
192 caps - Mick Tucknott is interested, I need 180 - shouldn't be hard to
get to 1000!
Have fun,
>In sunny Newcastle.
huh - it rained last weekend when I was up