Southern California Teslathon (Update)
Here's an update on the upcoming Southern California Teslathon.
Coilers - 18 confirmed...
Coils - At least 14 coils (from battery powered up to the debut of the Model
7M magnifier, many 6" coils, and the Model 8J)...
Spectators - Close to thirty RSVP's...
Grounding - I completed the dedicated RF ground system last weekend. It's
comprised of brass/copper car radiators which have been sandblasted and
buried 4'-5' deep. These are then connected to a central 8' ground rod via
1/0 cable.
Power - We now have a 240v/50a circuit and two 120v/20a circuits available
in the coiling area (for those times when Ross, Scott, and I run at the same
time - hehehe). I'm also working on an additional 240v/50a (or bigger)
circuit for the big coils...
Who's Coming - Check the RSVP section at the end of the Teslathon page
Weather - It's been variable but most evenings have been perfect (75 degrees
or so).
Looking forward to a great time!!!!
Brian D. Basura