design questions
List members,
I am [still] in the design phase of my first distribution-xfmr powered
coil. Only a few variables are fixed, and many are still undetermined. I
have many questions to ask, and I'll limit myself to just a few in this
post. Feel free to respond in private if you wish
Here is what I have to work with:
- 19,920V 10kVA pig
- 10.5" x 44" coil form
- .04uF 40kV GE pulse cap
Here is what is proposed so far:
- #16 AWG magnet wire close wound 42" ???
- 5/16" copper tubing primary(flat), 1/4"-3/8" spacing, 12-20 turns
- hopefully a saturable reactor ballast
- RSG w/ 1/8" tungsten contacts
Here are a few questions:
If my toroid is, for example, 6" aluminum ducting wrapped around the
outside of a plywood circle, about 48" diameter, what effect would
covering the plywood with al foil have to the capacitance? WinTesla
gives me 50pF for my proposed toroid capacitance, and I assume the
actual will be higher with foil covered center. But how much higher? Any
ball-park figures?
Also, the matched cap for my pig is .066uF. I am hoping that my .04uF
will not be to great of a potential loss? I am pretty tight on my budget
right know and buying a cap isnt what I want to do.
Finally, assuming that a will run the coil up to 10kVA(dont know if this
will actually happen) I am not sure if I may need more pri-sec coil
clearence. Is 2" sufficient between the coils or do I need more space?
I would really appreciate comments!
Tristan Stewart, KC2EBM
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