
Re: Number of turns for a secondary?

At 03:31 AM 1/4/99 -0700, you wrote:

>Original Poster: RWB355-at-aol-dot-com 
>Jim wrote: 
>" I always thought that you decreased the gauge of the wire (fewer
> turns per inch) to keep the H/D ratio compatible with the number of turns
> (ideally somewhere between 4:1 or 5:1 & under 1000 turns). I thought that
> why (aside from the current being carried) the larger coils always used a
> heavier gauge wire. Like I said I'm just curious & I know a lot of other
> factors come into play in the design. Thanks,  Jim"

I've read that this gives you the best Q (lowest resistance per inductance)
because the coils magnetic self-coupling (parallel effect) and skin effect
are minimized.

>Yes, Jim, this is ONE reason. However, the current capacity of the smallest
>(usually used) wire is enough even for the largest of coils.


> Remember, the top
>of the coil puts out a high voltage, but a very low current, whilist at the
>bottom you will find heavy RF-current (which is one of the reasons you want a
>thick grounding wire, plus of course the skin effect) and low voltage.

Are you thinking of standing waves on a coax? In a TC with a capacitive top
load and arcs, you have significant power flowing through the top windings.
Only when you have a forward and significant reflected wave on a line, can
you have standing waves as you describe. Right?