
Cheap cap source

For those contemplating the bunch of small ceramic caps approach, I note
that All Electronics (in Los Angeles, http://www.allcorp-dot-com,
800-826-5432 ) has .001 uF, 10 kV disc caps. Matsushita ECK-D4A102MDA at
10 for $8.50, 100 for $70.. Their part # is HVD-102. I don't know if
they would work for TC (I haven't looked the number up to see if they
are AC rated or whether they have high or low loss), but, it's a source.

Jim Lux                               Jet Propulsion Laboratory
ofc: 818/354-2075     114-B16         Mail Stop 161-213
lab: 818/354-2954     161-110         4800 Oak Grove Drive
fax: 818/393-6875                     Pasadena CA 91109