RSG Problems. thanks
Thanks for the ideas and suggestions from the list..
I have now been able to get up to 4ft sparks from my coil after cutting down
to 4 gaps instead of 8, and removing the resistive part of my ballast
circuit and replacing the gapped 115v variac with 2 250v un-gapped ones,
(one shorted, and the other driving it)
The spark length is now back to what I was getting with the RQ/TCBOR gap,
but there is less energy in the sparks.
They are thinner, and less bright.
My transformers are Ex military Radar tfmrs, and are capable of pig power
levels if pushed, so I assume that they are big enough to charge my 16nF cap
without sagging!
BTW, the best performance is at the full break-rate of 800bps.
The performance drops steadily down to 200bps, at which point, the safety
gaps go crazy and the power fuses go!
The motor speed seems to have no effect on how reliably the gaps break down,
though clearly I need more than 8KV to break all 8 gaps down reliably.
Quite a few of you have told me that I may be "over-quenching"
I'm not sure I understand exactly what this means.
Is this related to the dwell-time of the RSG?
My electrodes are only 3mm (1/8") diameter, so the dwell will be pretty
Surely RSG's can be made to work well on 2-coil systems?
Richard Hull's Nemesis coil seem to work quite well (!) and didn't that use
an RSG?
I will be happy when I have at least matched the sparks I get with my RQ
gap, and NST!
Thanks, Martin Dale, Nottingham, UK