Re: Tcoils/ free energy. Yes a coil CAN power something.
> Original Poster: Cabbott Sanders <cabbot-at-home-dot-com>
> >
> > I'd pay good money to see that one demonstrated by a coil whose
> > dimensions are small, compared to the earth<>ionosphere spacing.
> >
> > (I'd pay even more to see a coil whose dimensions weren't small
> > by comparison :^)
> > --
> >
> > -GL
> ------Assuming this COULD work, I'd pay more money than GL to see a
> reciever big enough and tall enough to collect an ample current from the
> ionoshere to power a light bulb.
I suppose it might be cheating but I'm lighting a bank of LEDs in my
study using a 1:1 3.5" coil tuned by a 7' aerial to a local radio