Re: Limiting Safety Gap Current
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: Mark S Graalman <teslac-at-juno-dot-com>
> I made comments on this a number of months ago. A
> safety gap across the primary gap is a BIG MISTAKE
> it WILL cause destruction of the cap sooner or later.
> A gap acrossed the cap sets up a very high frequency
> high current circuit that is coupled to NOTHING and a
> huge standing wave is set up. A inductive loading of the
> circuit will simply lower the frequency of the circuit and
> slightly lower the peak current, the energy will not be
> dissipated in the reactance of the inductors but returned to
> the cap. Some may disagree, but I've killed a lot of caps this
> way, it is NOT the way to do it.
> Mark Graalman
What is the way to do it?