Re: another pole pig query
to: Tristan
It will work in theory but not in practice. The peak "hits" on the xmfr
will quickly overheat your resistors to the smoking point -- been there,
done that.
> From: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: another pole pig query
> Date: Thursday, February 04, 1999 2:16 AM
> Original Poster: "Mad Coiler" <tesla_coiler-at-hotmail-dot-com>
> I thank everyone who responded to my last pole pig post! I learned
> valuable info from it!
> My new question: I have been long debating how to ballast it. I dont
> really want to spend $$$ on a welder. I cam up with another possibility.
> Between myself and a friend, we can come up with a number of huge 10 ohm
> power resistors. These appear to be able to take considerable wattage,
> hooked them across 120V (thats 1.44kW). I figure I can get the right
> ballast (240V) by using a bank of 4 of these in parallel (2.5 ohms) in
> series with a similar bank (5 ohms total). That would limit the current
> to fourty-some amps I think. Does anyone know how much V I will loose on
> the pig by using these R's for ballast? Any other thoughts on R ballast
> in general? Remember this ballast idea is free (already have the R's).
> The specs for the pig again is 240V input, 19,920V output 10kVA.
> Thanks,
> Tristan Stewart,KC2EBM
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