
Re: MOSFET Coil Paper

Hi Alan,
         FWIW, you can take his measured figure for Zbase (how 
reliable it is I haven't determined) and use it to find the shunt 
impedances both with and without breakout according to:

L/C = Zbase * Zshunt      (form of Zo^2 = Z1 * Z2)

Assumes that SQRT(L/C) is in fact Zo rather some more exotic formulae 
from Schelkunhoff etc.  Interesting to see that Zshunt is still very 
high when his coil is producing corona.


> Original Poster: Alan Sharp <AlanSharp-at-compuserve-dot-com> 
> Terry,
> Thanks very much for posting this paper, I was doing similar exeriments
> myself but on the dining room table and with a scope that has had better
> days, so I drooled over the desciption of his test conditions!
> His essential conclusion is that before breakout the the input impedence is
> close to that of a quarter-wave antenna. I'm not a radio type so is there a
> general equation giving the inpit inpedance of a quater wave antenna.
> Have fun,
> Alan Sharp (UK)