Springtime Coiling
This story gives my impression of coiling during the springtime.
Springtime Coiling (The Worker and the Teacher)
Having been genetically bred to be a worker, Tarin had never been
particularly curious about the world. But now, he was struck by the
awe and mysteries of reality. As the 80 ton metal doors of the
Underground began to groan and slowly open, he stood among the
great crowd, waiting to surge Outside. Today was the first day of
spring -- the first day of the year that the workers were permitted to
leave the Underground.
Tarin had heard the stories about the old days, before the
Underground had been built; how millions of workers had perished
Outside during his world's brutal winters. But now, as warmer
weather took over, the workers, their yearly work complete, were
free to join the Outsiders on the surface. Tarin had also heard the
stories of how the genetic manipulations that had given the
workers their work abilities, had the unfortunate side effect of
making them sensitive to the cold.
Many of the workers, being so content at their tasks however,
continued to toil within their bleak caverns throughout the year.
So molded were they by their genes, they could not enjoy the
outside world of leisure during the warm seasons. Tarin however,
enjoyed the feeling of the sun on his face, and the gentle breezes,
and the myriad of plants, animals, and flying bugs.
As the multitudes surged towards the now open doors, Tarin felt
the unspeakable cold piercing his being. Fortunately, this was
simply the result of living underground at a constant warm
temperature during the winter. He and the other workers would
quasi-adjust to the sub-zero temperatures, but it was hard for
him to understand how the Outsiders were able to live outside year-
round. Compared to mid-winter, it was now warm. Of course, the
summers were almost as bad as the winters; the heat was that
intense. Without the Tesla coils, and the Coruup's power, no one
could survive the summers. The Tesla coils and the Coruup helped
people to survive the summers, but didn't help the workers much in
the winters. Tarin looked forward to the times during the year when
the temperature Outside would be just right.
The workers trudged relentlessly through the deep snow, making
their way along the causeway. The ice-encrusted battlements lent
an aura of surrealism to the scene. Glancing towards the Arena,
Tarin saw the giant Tesla secondary coil, with its monstrous golden
toroid, projecting from the drifts of ice and snow. He looked forward
to the summer's aerial Tesla/Coruup jubilee, when people would be
lifted into the giant Tesla coil's sparks by the Coruup's energy, and
become rejuvenated by that ghost-like dance, and thereby made
able to survive the summer heat.
Tarin stopped in a nearby porto-kiosk, where workers could obtain
warm food and drink, and escape temporarily from the biting cold.
Many of his worker friends remained in the Underground until
warmer weather arrived, but Tarin wanted to experience all the
sensations that nature could offer. Still, he wasn't anxious to leave
the relative comfort of the kiosk. Tarin sat at a table and sipped his
hot gor-val tea, and watched the workers trekking through the cold
darkness outside.
At first he didn't notice the Outsider sitting opposite him at the
table. Outsiders rarely came to these kiosks, often prefering areas
high in the mountains or in the cities. Although relations between
the workers and Outsiders were peaceful and polite, the two groups
tended to remain apart, not quite understanding each other.
Occasionally, an Outsider would wander among the workers,
probably out of a sense of curiosity or adventure. Sometimes it was
said, the outsiders would study the worker's ways, since the
Outsiders often had a curious and scientific bent.
Tarin could see that this Outsider was a teacher, one of a
mysterious group who were rumored to possess secret powers
and knowledge. The teacher's face was drawn and somber, with
large piercing eyes. He wore long flowing robes with golden
fringes. Then the teacher spoke to Tarin in a deep musical voice.
Tarin was startled, never before had a teacher spoken to him.
After a few polite exchanges, the teacher began to speak of the
Outside world. He told of the various pursuits of the Outsiders;
of their philosophical musings, their writings, and their music.
Tarin listened in fascination to these stories about these mystical
beings who it seemed were similar to the workers in many ways.
The teacher noticed Tarin's interest in the stories and said, "You
are truly interested in hearing these strories aren't you? It is very
rare to meet a worker who is interested in hearing about the
"I think as I grow older, I'm becoming more curious", Tarin replied.
"This fits the genetic programming", the teacher explained, "among
Outsiders, the very young are curious. The workers were bred to
not be curious, but sometimes, once in a great while, the brain's
development deviates somewhat from its genetic directive, due to
environmental, or other pressures, and a greater than normal
curiosity develops. You may want to visit one of the great libraries,
although much of the material is written in the Cal-Grom language
which workers are not taught to understand."
"What about the Coruup?", asked Tarin, "Where did he come from,
and how do his powers work?"
"Even we don't fully understand the mysteries and powers of the
Coruup", said the teacher, "but we know he is very old, and came
from an alien world. It was the Coruup who brought Tesla coils to
this world. The Coruup also brought many other technologies to
this world. You may not know it, but the Tesla coils are run during
the winter months to help warm the world a little. They are not
particularly efficient as heating devices, but it is an old tradition to
use them for this purpose. It is sometimes said that the Tesla coil
was invented on an alien world called the 'Earth', but no one knows
if this is true, or if it is just a myth.
Tarin spoke the word slowly, "Earth. Is anything known of that
"It is said to be a place of beauty and horror, a place of mystery
and contrasts, but really nothing else is known about it," said the
"I would like to go there", said Tarin as he continued to drink his
gor-val tea. He glanced at the golden toroid in the Arena.
"We do not possess space ships on this world," explained the
teacher, "The Coruup is able to travel to other worlds, but he has
not given us that technology. Our scientists have tried to develop
space vehicles, but have failed so far. But some day we will
succeed, and perhaps you will be the first worker to leave this
world, and travel to the mysterious world called Earth".
Soon Tarin and the teacher left the kiosk, and went their separate
ways. As Tarin continued along the causeway, he thought about
the teacher's stories, and daydreamed about visiting the place
called Earth. He no longer noticed the cold. END.
John Freau