
Re: Tesla coiling terminology

At 07:39 PM 12/29/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>>    This comes up periodically.  There are tons more in the archives at
>> www.pupman-dot-com .  Search for "acronyms".  This will give you a start.
>>There are a lot of new people that could probably used a nice brushed up
>> list... - Terry >>

>Hi Terry,
>You probably expected something like this. I'm glad to see that I have you at 
>least putting the word ACRONYMS in quotation marks. I hope that a sharp guy 
>like yourself has by now
>looked up the word in the dictionary to see what I am pestering you about. 
>The list of abbreviations is nice but not one of those abbreviations comes 
>close to passing the sniff test as an acronym. Please Terry, you know how 
>important the correct usage of our technical vocabulary is to our very 
>livelihood, the meaning of IS is no less important.
>Of course you are welcome to post this but I thought it would be best to post 
>off-list and
>leave the call to you.
>Happy New Year,

Hi Ralph,

Acronym - A word formed from the first (or first few) letters of a series
of words.  Like "Radar".

Abbreviations - A shortened form of a word or phrase like N.Y. for New York.

Ok, Ralph.  I guess they are "abbreviations" then? :-))

Them Enjlish techers kept shoving me into the mth end pysices an
electronics (the one I can spell) corsees tring to keep mee out of they're
engish classs.  Day said me was much btter off dere... :-)))

What is really sad is that I copied that post directly from the pupman
Archives.  I think "I" am also the culprit for screwing it all up back then
too :-)))

