good catch part 2
Dear thanks for replying but:
suppose the two transformers (8,5 KV and 9,5 KV) are centertapped and
connected to the ground?? The Xformers consist of an rectangular core
with no legs in the middle, three coils in a row; the primary in the
middle and the secundairies at both sides. This means that the
secundairies are most likely connected to the ground in the middleand
since i don't see any connection. Is it possible to:
1. disconnect the wires to the ground and connect the secundairies
through the air? Both secundairies have the same distance to the core
and had to be isolated for 4,5 KV only. In this new situation -by
switching both xformers in serie- it happens that the Voltage of one
sec. leg with the other grounded will rise up to 9 KV and even higher by
upswinging in resonance! This sounds as doomed, no??
2. leave the circuit as it is, isolate both cores from each other,
parallel the primaries and serie the xformers. But what will this do if
you consider the output of +18 KV upon core and primaries????
Thanks Arwin