I downloaded the MicroSim programs from Orcad today, and after installing
them and playing around for a while I have come to the realization that I
have no clue what to do with these programs. They look like they could be
useful but I don't know how to use them so that doesn't help much. I thought
the schematics section of the programs was particularly interesting but the
parts that are listed in that program have little use in TC application and
many parts that would have use are simply not there. Is there anywhere I can
download parts libraries for this program that include TC parts such as
variable trans, RFI line filters, spark gaps, and a number of other parts
MicroSim doesn't have? And more importantly than that, what do I use these
programs for now that I have them....and how? I hope this email makes
Left, left, I hadda good brain but it left...