
Proposed Grounding System

I've been thinking about what kind of grounding system to use for my
first couple coils (NSTs, 9-15KV, 30-60mA), and I think I've got it all
worked out.

I've heard that copper strap is the best connector for the secondary/RF
ground connection, so I was planning on running some copper strap,
probably about 2" wide, out my basement window to two five foot copper
pipes, probably about 1" diameter, buried about 4.5 ft. in the ground.
One of basement windows is really close to a spigot for a garden hose,
so I was thinking that it would be really easy to water the pipes for
5-10 minutes before each period of runs.

I know the pipes should be longer, but it's a lot easier to move to 5
ft. lengths of pipe than one 10-footer, and I also don't know what lurks
below the floor level of my basement, so I don't want to depend on going
any deeper than that.

As for the strap, it's uninsulated, and will have a high current going
through it, right?  Is there any danger in having a couple feet of
uninsulated active high current wire going outside my immediate "range
of influence" where the neighborhood children might do some stupid and
lawsuit-provoking?  Also, what are the dangers of having about 5 or so
inches of this stuff carrying a high current on an uninsulated path
through my basement wall?  Any chance of some sort of fire, or arcing
within the walls, or any other "bad thing?"

I'm new at this, so I'm trying to be as safe as possible.  I don't mind
reinventing the wheel every now and then, but I'd rather not do it at
the expense of my house or a stupid (that includes me) person's life, as
tempting as it may sometimes be :-).

Thanks a lot, please comment if any of this strikes you (pun intended)
as good or bad.
