Just wonderin' (fwd)
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Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 10:24:09 EDT
From: christopher boden <chrisboden-at-hotmail-dot-com>
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Just wonderin'
What is the best combination of Voltage/Amperage for a NST?
Higher Voltage=?
Higher Amperage=?
I have a couple NST's and am wondering what would be best for a TC.
I have a 7.5 KV -at- 100mA up to 15KV -at- 30mA so I've got quite a range.
What is the safety margin on the sec voltage? could I paralell them?
Just wonderin' I'm trying not to make an expensive mistake that I'm
sure 20 or more others have already made.
Also..on a safety note.
We've just gotten a set of High Voltage gloves (gauntlets) from the
local power company and I can't say enough about them. They're great.
We built a few Jacob's ladders to test the new NST's and it's great
to be able to adjust the electrodes without turning the power off.
The gloves are rated to 50KV so we've get quite a safety margin.
I don't know about using them with a TC givin the differance in
freq. They were designed for 60hz and I don't have the cojones to try
them at millions of volts of high freq. (I put skin-effect in the
same catagory as Autorotation...great idea, bad plan) I'm not willing
to risk self-defribulation on it. MAybe I'm just a wus, but I'm a
LIVE wus.
"Evolution Stops When Stupidity Is No Longer Fatal"
Christopher A. Boden Esq.
The Geek Group
The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth!
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