
Measuring secondary voltage (fwd)

From:  richard hull [SMTP:rhull-at-richmond.infi-dot-net]
Sent:  Thursday, January 22, 1998 8:47 PM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Re: Measuring secondary voltage (fwd)

Big snipola

>I think the last system that one should attempt to extract an 
>accurate figure from is a small one. IMHO, a large system (one with a 
>large Cself) running at much reduced Ep to bring it into the measuring 
>range of test equipment would be the best option. For one thing, 
>large Cself minimizes the influence of divider probes and the like. 
>Is there any reason why the result could not be extrapolated to 
>high values of Ep if an accurate measurement at low Ep could be made?
>If there is a chance in hell of finding out the straight dope, it will be
as Malcolm notes above.  Large system, Large Cself or Cterm depending on
which angle you approach this from.  

I must differ however on the extrapolation.  Larger Ep means more spark or
if not issuing, more effective air load via ionization.  I have noted this
with electrostatic voltmeter measurements.  No spark, but more sauce mean
more volts in air at a given range.  This translatess into more work done
and increased load over an increasing cubic area.  It all hurts my brain!

Richard Hull, TCBOR