Trannies, how do I rewind them?
Hi I sent this post to the list over a week ago but got no response to it
so I am sending again.
I have looking at the many posts related to using microwave transformers
and other transformers and there was someone or more than one person who
said that you could rewind them. I have a number of these including a
2000va one from a commercial oven and was wondering how one goes about
rewinding them. Actually for that matter, how do you take the windings
off a neon as detailed in the archives? My problem is that these
tranformers all have laminated windings consisting of either interleaved
E shapes or an I and an E shape. Either way they are bondend together
tightly making it impossible to remove or rewind any windings. Many
times these laminations ar seam/spot welded along a number of sides to
keep everything together.
So, do I hacksaw one side of the figure of 8 off? and then rewind the
core minding out for the sharp edges and hoping that the remaining
laminations stay together? and then once rewound weld the sawn off piece
back on?
Maybe in the southern Hemisphere our transformers are made differently
than those in the USA and europe.
Hoping for a helpful reply :)
Matthew Mills
EMAIL: matthew.mills-at-santos-dot-com.au
Phone (08) 8364 0249