Re: Why does it work at all
On Tue, 22 Sep 1998, Tesla List wrote:
> TC's became weird to me again after I witnessed
> Lou Balint's excellent demonstration of magnifier
> tuning techniques and node placement. He had a
> rather clever array of neon bulbs arranged so the
> observer could see the field intensities in real
> time, while the drive frequency was altered.
I, for one, would like a more detailed description of this tool. Was it
simply a bunch of Ne bulbs on a board, or was it more involved? Also,
what was he driving the magnifier with...a signal generator, or was it
actually tossing sparks around. This sounds sorta like Bylund's idea of
making a secondary coil with led's in series along the length, so you can
see the actual current distribution, but that's obviously an invasive
procedure and would not let you use the coil as anything other than a