
Re: Fine Tuning a Spark Gap

> Hi Bill, Mike,
> I would have to also agree that aluminum in the primary LC will work, and
> work ok. I know first hand because my first rotary was an aluminum flywheel
> with
> 8 copper electrodes and two stationary electrodes on each side (same
side) of
> the disk for 120bps operation. Yes, it did work. But I have to wonder,
> the aluminum, would it have worked better? I don't know and may never know
> because I've since dismantled it and am working on a variable break system.

[massive quote chain deleted]

There's an easy way to tell if your aluminum was wasting
any power -- did it get hot to the touch?

Electrum uses four 28" aluminum rotors, and I have never
noticed any more than a rise of a few deg C on them, even
after a long run at full power (100+ kW).
