FrightFair Coil Specs
Many people are asking for the FrightFair coil specs.
We'll be posting full specs and photographs on our web
once we have completed our FrightFair commitment.
In the mean time...
kVA Model 8j (Big Red)
Designed and Constructed by Jeff Parisse and Bill Wysock
Spark Gap Rotor by Ed Wingate
Xformer: 14.4 VAC, 5kVA Pole Pig
Caps: 2x .22uf, 50kAC, CSI Special Order
Inductor: 2"x.125" flat copper ribbon, 5 turns tapped at 4.5
Gap: Salient Pole SRSG, 240pps, solid tungsten
Inductor: 12.625"x60" (wl=55.5"), 16ga PVC
Toroid: Spun Aluminum 30"x7"
Fsec: 98kHz
12.5kVA Professional Power Controller
Built by Bill Wysock of Tesla Technology Research
Input: 120-0-120
Outputs: 0-280V 60A, 0-120 8A, 120V 20A Switched
This coil features a fully enclosed tank circuit and a
"flying" primary design. It's footprint is only 2'x2' on
casters and it stands 9' tall.
In it's present environment, in which the cage prevents
the coil from reaching too far, the coil is generating
solid 9' and 10' power arcs. There are two to three
hits to the ground (12') and maybe one hit to the
primary per night (5 seconds on per 30 seconds off
for 6 hours per night).
Jeff W. Parisse, Director
kVA Effects