
Re: Fine Tuning a Spark Gap

Hi Gary, All

I, too, have tried something very similar. The only difference was that I used
a small six sided aluminum stand-off in between each copper pipe. 

I tried various gap spacings and different gap spacings within the total gap
(just like you did). Everytime I used the Al stand-offs, I got a better spark
output on my 3.34" Test-TC. 

The aluminum cruds up pretty fast, but it didn�t make a difference in the
total spark length. I�m not quite sure why the spark length increases so
dramaticly using the AL stand-offs. 

I want to knurl some copper pipe to see if it is perhaps due to the edges of
the six sided stand-offs, although the sparks seem to jump from one flat side
to the other and not from the edges.

After that I will try aluminum tubing alone to see if it is due to the
aluminum. If I run my TC on the Al stand-offs alone, I still get a longer
output spark than I did using a pure copper gap (same individual/total

I also don�t quite understand why a multiwidth (i.e. different single widths
within the total gap) makes a difference, compared to a gap with the same
total width (but having equal spacing between the gaps), but it does!!

It�s good to see people are trying similar things out there. This helps me
from starting to think I�ve gone mad somehow..........or have I ?

Coiler greets from germany,

 Original Poster: gweaver <gweaver-at-earthlink-dot-net> 
 I built a new RQ spark gap today to replace my old RQ spark gap.
 The old spark gap has 8 gaps.  Each gap being .030 each.  Total gap .240
 The new RQ spark gap has 8 gaps.  Each gap space is different.  I have .060,
 .050, .040, .035, .030, .025, .020, .015.  Total gap is .275
 The discharge sparks from the toroid are 24" max to a target using the old
 spark gap.
 The discharge sparks from the toroid are 29" max to a target using the new
 spark gap.
 I fine tuned the spark gap by shorting out one gap at a time and checking
 the length of the discharge spark.  After experement for several minutes I
 discovered my best output is with gap .060 and gap .015 shorted out. Total
 gap is .200
 I shortened my spark gap by .040 and the output got 5" longer.  
 I also get much better output through the full adjustment range of the
 Gary Weaver
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