
Re: Direct current coils

Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Payne, Will E" <will.e.payne-at-lmco-dot-com>
> For a direct current coil giving six foot arcs, check out
> www.altair-dot-org/tesla.htm for "Vic and Kip's Excellent Tesla Coil"  W4KIP,
> Kip supplied info on a coil he built in the late 1940's or early 1950's
> along with W4OCH, Vic, which ran off DC.  The coil was eventually abandoned
> in the basemant of the house across the street from the Governor's mansion
> in Atlanta.  Some photos may still exist.  No one has tried asking the
> current owners of the house about the coil.
> Kip supplied details for the schematic on my web page. Additional info, the
> break rate was about 10 Hz using a tungsten rod rotated by an old
> phonograph.  Resonance was about 135 kHz.
> Will


I went to the URL you listed and observed the schematic shown for this
coil. Thank you for alerting us to this. It is simplicity itself, very
basic, but I think the weak point is that full tank circuit RF is
applied to the filament winding of the 3B24 filament transformer.  This
must have been a mighty rugged, oil filled filament transformer to have
survived such an application as this.  If it had been me, I'd have added
an RF choke between the rectifier toobz and the system RF tank cap. I
wouldn't have used 3B24's but 3B28's instead (more moola), and I would
have also added a charging choke (getting even more expensive and
complicated now), and a separate DC filter supply capacitor (gad, add
more $$$$$).  Like I said this circuit is simplicity itself, very basic.
There is often virtue in simplicity. Cudo's to Vic and Kip.

Robert W. Stephens