
RE: 5514 tubes, 811 tube amp

The venerable Collins 30-L1 HF amplifier uses four 811As for 1000 W output.
You could easily scare up  a 30-L1 at a ham radio flea market, or the
classified ads in QST magazine.  All you need to do is substitute your tank
coil (primary) and a tuning capacitor for the tank circuit of the 30-L1, and
supply a few watts of drive from a signal generator.  I have a 30-L1, but
I'm sorta using it for HF.


> ----------
> From: 	Tesla List[SMTP:tesla-at-pupman-dot-com]
> Sent: 	Friday, October 23, 1998 19:22
> To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: 	5514 tubes
> Original Poster: Steve Z <zoidspc-at-erols-dot-com> 
> My first coil is powered by 2  811a tubes also only rated for 65 
> watts.  my B+ supply only puts out 1100volts (811as are good for 1500)so 
> I doubt I even have 130w. The coil works and gives about 4" arcs.
> Not spectacular by the standards of this group but a good learning 
> experience.
>                                     Steve Z