Fine Tuning a Spark Gap
I built a new RQ spark gap today to replace my old RQ spark gap.
The old spark gap has 8 gaps. Each gap being .030 each. Total gap .240
The new RQ spark gap has 8 gaps. Each gap space is different. I have .060,
.050, .040, .035, .030, .025, .020, .015. Total gap is .275
The discharge sparks from the toroid are 24" max to a target using the old
spark gap.
The discharge sparks from the toroid are 29" max to a target using the new
spark gap.
I fine tuned the spark gap by shorting out one gap at a time and checking
the length of the discharge spark. After experement for several minutes I
discovered my best output is with gap .060 and gap .015 shorted out. Total
gap is .200
I shortened my spark gap by .040 and the output got 5" longer.
I also get much better output through the full adjustment range of the variac.
Gary Weaver