
Re: RE. Many dry caps in series?

>Original Poster: Gary Lau  20-Oct-1998 1306 <lau-at-hdecad.ENET.dec-dot-com> 
>>Original Poster: jim.fosse-at-bjt-dot-net (Jim Fosse) 
>>	I blew one of my 2 by 0.060" (0.120" total dielectric) poly
>>caps a couple months ago using an asynchronous rotary with my 15kV
>>60ma neon. (dumb move on my part, I forgot to connect up the safety
>>snap, crackle, and pop
>>jim f
>Thanks for sharing this.  By "2 by 0.060" poly, was this two layers in
>one roll, or two caps in series, each 60 mils?  Also, did you do a post
>mortem to see exactly where it failed?

	One cap of 2 layers of 0.060 poly between the electrodes. I've
not done a post mortem yet, but if it follows the other 3 I've blown,
The puncture will be on the bottom edge of the electrodes ~1 linear
foot in from the center of the roll.


jim f