Re: Vacuum Tubes
Original Poster: Ed Phillips <evp-at-pacbell-dot-net>
Hi Ed,
I was referring to german tube radios.
In the 20īs to 30īs the tube filaments were powered by 4 volt accumulators. In
the 40īs a few 6.3v filament tubes (of which some where used in car radios)
were introduced . By the late forties, early fifties the minature tubes were
introduced. 90% of these run with 6.3v filaments.
Greets from gemany,
"Most tube radios from the late 40īs-late 60īs use 6.3v per filament and
filaments are wires in parallel."
6.3 volt (nominal) heaters were introduced in the early 1930's when
automobile radios came into serious production. Someone decided that
6.3 volts was the average or nominal voltage for a 6 volt battery in
automobile usage.
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